Financial Planning

Financial Planning

Financial planning is necessarily bespoke, a service designed to meet your needs, realise your goals and live the life you want. Sometimes that requires specific advice in one-off situations, for example following a bereavement, for others it can be a life-long arrangement where we oversee and manage your investments and help you reach long-term financial goals.

When working with you to create a financial plan, we begin with an initial consultation (free of charge) where your advisor will get to know you and build an understanding of your financial situation, family circumstances, priorities in life and your hopes for the future. With this information, they will design a financial plan that can deliver your goals.

This plan does not need to encompass the entirety of your finances, if you don’t need it to. If you have a specific area of concern – investment, retirement, tax – the plan can focus on just this area. Alternatively, if you have broad and wide-ranging long-term financial goals, these different areas will likely affect each other and a holistic, comprehensive plan will best support you in achieving these. Regardless of the approach you choose, all of our advice will be specific to your situation.

Financial planning is often an ongoing relationship ­and for most, the initial financial plan is just the first step on a long-term journey with their financial planner who will work with them over time to adjust and adapt the plan as needed, as situations change, new circumstances arise, goals shift and families shrink and grow. It’s not always your circumstances that change – new tax rules, changing legislation, shifting interest rates and the broad economic environment can all have an impact on your financial plans, as the Covid-19 pandemic showed us all. It’s likely that plans will need adjusting and investments reviewed to ensure your plan continues to keep you on the right path. We typically carry out formal reviews on an annual basis, but they are contactable whenever you need them to discuss a change in your life or to talk about your plans.

Our fees for financial planning are typically based on a percentage of the value of the assets being advised on, and/or the complexity of the advice you need. All fees will be stated in writing and agreed upon with you before any work commences.


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