
Retirement is, in a way, what everyone is working for and towards – that point where life begins to slow down. One thing you don’t want in your golden years is stress and uncertainty. Stopping work doesn’t have to mean a drop in income, or even that you stop earning. A comfortable retirement can be something to look forward to with confidence, if you plan for it well.

Perhaps you are starting to plan for your retirement, want to consolidate multiple small pension pots from various jobs over the years, or are reviewing your existing pension plan and want to supplement or switch it for something that can provide better returns, or allow you to retire earlier. We can help you navigate the minefield that is planning for a changeable and often uncertain future, enabling you to relax in the knowledge that whatever else life throws at you, you won’t have to worry about money.

Pensions are a long term commitment, you may not be able to access your pension funds until the age of 55 (currently), investments can go down as well as up and you might not get back your initial capital. Pension and tax legislation does and can change in the future which could impact your pension.

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