
With our strong links to expert providers across the financial services field, we can also provide the following services:

Private Medical Treatment

This is essential a form of life saving cover, offered by one of the main four providers in personal and business healthcare (Bupa, AXA, AVIVA and Vitality). It is intended to ensure that, should you require medical treatment, you will not need to worry about NHS waiting lists or the costs of private healthcare. This means you’ll get a quick diagnosis and quick treatment, should you need it.

Business Healthcare

Look after your business and employees to aid staff retention, reduce stress and illness related absence and create a positive and caring work environment. A happy, healthy and happy team is invaluable to any business.

Critical Illness Cover

Critical Illness Cover provides you with the peace of mind that, should you be diagnosed with a critical illness, a lump sum (or with some policies a regular income) will be payable to help you and your family financially. You can use the lump sum in any way you wish, but generally clients use it to pay off their mortgage or other debts, for medical care, convalescence, providing medical facilities in the home, or just to have a holiday to help recuperation.

The range of critical illnesses covered can vary quite a lot between different policies so our adviser will undertake research on your behalf, and will only recommend the most suitable policy based on your particular requirements.

Life Assurance & Family Income Benefit

Life Assurance protects your family financially by paying them a lump sum in the event of your death. This can provide valuable financial resources to enable your dependents to repay a mortgage and any other outstanding debts, as well as provide funds to pay for their day to day living expenses.

Family Income Benefit is an alternative to Life Assurance except that it pays out a regular income instead of a lump sum. This is generally a more economic solution and can also be used to cover the costs of School and/or University Fees by helping to ensure your children can still benefit from a good education even if you are not around to pay for these personally.

Building & Contents Insurance

Buildings insurance is a legal requirement in the UK when purchasing a property, and you cannot exchange contracts without it. Ensure your transaction runs smoothly by getting this in place early on. Contents insurance can be included within this, but not necessarily and it is not a legal requirement. It is, however, important to ensure you have adequate cover for your own requirements and to review this annually for competitive premiums.

Mortgage Payments Insurance

This is a kind of income protection policy that will provide you with a monthly, tax-free income in the case that you are prevented from working by injury or ill health. Whilst this is primarily used to cover mortgage payments, it can be expanded to include other household bills and expenses.

Income Protection

Income Protection, also known as Permanent Health Insurance, is designed to pay out a regular monthly income, to help replace your income, in the event of you suffering a sickness or accident. The replacement income is payable for as long it is needed until you are able to return to work.

Furthermore, any claims you have will not effect the terms of the policy, so your premiums won't increase following a claim, and you can claim as many times as you need to throughout the policy term. These policies typically end at retirement.

Some Income Protection policies can also be extended to provide Unemployment cover.

Some of our providers

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